FFF Presented at a Security Seminar held within the Slovak EU Presidency
FFF and our partners were presented on 20 - 21 July at a defence & security seminar held on the occasion of the Slovak Presidency of the EU.
The seminar was attended by over 120 delegates from 20 countries. Speakers included Minister of Defence of Slovakia Mr. Peter Gajdoš, Chief Executive of the European Defence Agency (EDA) Mr. Jorge Domecq, Director Capability, Armament & Technology EDA Mr. Peter Round, State Secretary MoD Slovakia Mr. Ivan Máčovský, Deputy Head, Cyber Defence Section, NATO HQ Emerging Security Challenges Division Mr. Christian-Marc Lifländer, Chairman of the Czech Cyber Security Working Group and Chairman of the CYBER TRENDS Programme Committee Mr. Petr Jirásek, and many other distinguished guests.
The event was centred around three panels in which participants discussed different aspects of cooperation on cyber defence, starting with the political aspects of cooperation, moving onto public-private sector cooperation, and finishing with the challenges for military-to-military cooperation.
Current and future threats and opportunities in the field of cyber defence and security, including opportunities for private sector will be one of the topics of the two-day conference and workshops Future of Cyber - CYBER TRENDS held within the FUTURE FORUM FORCES.
Registration for the CYBER TRENDS conference and workshops is online.
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