Teijin Aramid offers a sustainable future for ballistic protection
At Teijin Aramid, we design better, more sustainable materials for ballistic protection.
We’re the biggest aramid manufacturer in the world, and Twaron®, our para-aramid, is used in various soft and hard ballistic protection solutions – from body armor and ballistic helmets to shields, armored vehicles, and more.
Many of today’s protective vests are made of Twaron®, which provides enhanced protection, comfort, and an excellent performance-to-weight ratio. In vehicle spall liners, the material forms protective layer to defend passengers from secondary fragments.
Join us at Future Forces 2022
We’re determined to improve the circular economy in the ballistic protection value chain and have critical insights to share.
At our Future Forces 2022 presentation, ‘Setting the circularity turnaround in motion’, Teijin experts will describe how partnering with supply-chain stakeholders for circularity can give products new lives. They’ll explain how focusing on product (re)design, take-back logistics, and cleaning and recycling technologies provide routes for recycling end-of-life para-aramids.
Are you interested in discovering how Twaron® can be used in solutions for various threat levels? Meet us at Booth 412, Hall 4 to discuss how our solutions can add value to your ballistic applications.
Contact martin.klang@teijinaramid.com for more information or to book an appointment, or visit our armored vehicles and ballistic protective vests web pages.
About Teijin
Teijin Aramid is a subsidiary of the Teijin Group based in the Netherlands and a world leader in aramids. Our aramid products are used by all NATO members in a variety of markets and segments, and are produced in the Netherlands and Japan.
The Teijin Group, established over 100 years ago, is a technology-driven global group based in Japan.
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