CORDURA® Advanced Fabrics at Future Forces 2022
Military Strong, From the Start.
Over the decades, supporting members of the military using some of the world’s most durable fabrics has been part of our mission. Strong, rugged fabrics like CORDURA® NYCO Extreme, made with INVISTA T420HT, which is the strongest nylon 6,6 staple fiber we have ever produced.
Modern militaries trust and utilize CORDURA® Advanced Fabrics for head-to-toe coverage in a range of different applications, including combat uniforms, military packs, ballistic vests, boots and baselayers.
CORDURA® also has fabrics that can make military gear durable, lightweight and fast-drying. Stop by our booth to explore our certified CORDURA® fabric collection, and to learn why we believe that Sustainability Begins With Products That LastTM.
Meet the CORDURA® Advanced Fabrics team at Future Forces 2022, Hall 4, Booth 403
To learn more about CORDURA® Advanced Fabrics visit: CORDURA® - Military
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