Rubena at Future Forces 2022
Rubena Náchod is a traditional manufacturer of rubber products, which are widely used in all industries. We offer sophisticated products and solutions that can be applied even in the most demanding operating conditions. That is why we have been a reliable supplier of our products for the civil defence, industry, and armies within NATO, but also, for example, in the regions of South America and Australia.
Thanks to our own development capacities, fully controlled production process and quality control system, we are able to meet even the most stringent requirements of our customers in this segment.
We have been developing, manufacturing and supplying our products from our plants in the Czech Republic since 1908.
Our products for the military and civil protection include:
rubber-textile pneumatic suspension for off-road vehicles and special equipment,
complete series of rubber V-belts,
rubber and rubber to metal moulded parts/components, stock of more than 16.000 types of rubber products,
rubberized fabric fuel flexible tanks for aircraft industry,
rubber/plastic/composite tanks for storage and transport of various liquids (mainly fuels),
elastomeric solution for safe storage of military equipment, ammunition or medical devices,
fenders and other pneumatic elements for port protection and port ecology,
we offer our long-term experiences with project development/modification/adaptation of products according to the exact assignment in cooperation with the customer.
Efficient and mobile storage is the foundation of army logistics
Collecting large quantities of liquids or having a well-designed storage system is the first step towards successful logistics in the defence industry. The Czech rubber company Rubena offers efficient solutions not only for fuel and water storage, but also for the safe storage of military equipment, ammunition or medical devices.
Fuel and Water storage
Water and fuel are the cornerstones of any military or humanitarian operation. Efficient storage of these fluids can save both time and money. Rubena’s flexible storage tanks are used by military organizations around the world for temporary storage of liquids. Because the collapsible tanks have high puncture and tear resistance, they are regularly deployed in arctic, tropical or desert conditions. The tanks allow very rapid deployment and demand minimal space requirements, making them ideal where permanent water or fuel storage tanks are difficult to build.
Features & Benefits
Durable and able to withstand harsh conditions
Manufactured from high-quality materials
Flexible and easily deployed
Built to an internationally recognised military standard
Available in a wide range of specifications
Dry storage systems
Dry storage systems are most commonly used to protect high-value assets such as military equipment, generators or ammunition. Storage systems need no construction, so they can be used in the open air. Installation is very simple, quick and minimally laborious. Thanks to the quality processing, the property is protected against atmospheric influences in the long term, thus extending its service life. These factors allow military or other equipment to be strategically placed for rapid deployment. Dry storage systems have proven themselves in arctic, desert, dry and humid environments. They can also be supplied in camouflaged versions or with camouflage features.
Features & Benefits
The system is designed for temperatures from -40 °C to +120 °C
High UV and ozone resistance
Extremely low maintenance
Suitable for almost any location
We are Rubena from Náchod. A traditional Czech manufacturer of rubber parts since 1908. A combination of almost 115 years of experience, continual development, and perfection of know-how gives you the clear guarantee that we can provide comprehensive solutions running from development and design to production itself. Our manufacturing facilities are located in the heart of Europe, enabling us to fulfil the role of an independent and reliable business partner. We offer affordable prices and take an individual approach to customers all over the world, in that the quality of each and every product is the priority.
Meet the Rubena team at their booth at Future Forces 2022, Hall 3.
More information is available at
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