"New Ideas for NATO 2030" – a youth event organized by NATO
On 4 Feb 2021, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg will engage with students and young leaders on their ideas and vision, as part of the event "New Ideas for NATO 2030", organized by NATO and Chatham House.
Czech space engineer Jan Lukačevič is among 14 emerging leaders from across the Alliance who are nominated as NATO 2030 Young Leaders.

NATO is reaching out to 18-35 year-olds from NATO Allied and partner countries, to include in the Secretary General’s initiative "NATO 2030" to make sure the Alliance remains ready to face tomorrow’s challenges, and keep its citizens safe in the next decade and beyond.
Following keynote remarks on NATO 2030, Mr. Stoltenberg will engage and react to the recommendations presented by the NATO 2030 Young Leaders. This group of 14 young professionals have been asked by the Secretary General to develop new ideas for NATO’s role in areas including new technologies, climate change, and defending democratic values.
In the second part of the event, university teams from across the Alliance will pitch their ideas on how to make NATO’s policies future-proof. The students will develop these ideas during the first NATO policy hackathon, which will run in the week prior the event. They will present their hackathon ideas in fast-paced, interactive pitching sessions, before an expert jury and the live audience who together will decide on the winning team.
Česká vláda schválila zvýšení obranných výdajů až na 3 % HDP do roku 2030
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