FFF Contributed to the Modernization of Military University Hospital Prague
A specialised center for MoD and Armed Forces staff at the Military University Hospital Prague received a financial contribution through the FUTURE FORCES FORUM for modernization of the reception and facilities for staff.
Zelená cesta (Green Way) is a project of the Ministry of Defence of the Czech Republic and Military University Hospital (MUH) Prague on the provision of health care and services to members of the Czech Armed Forces in active service and persons with the status of a war veteran. The center provides registered persons with the provision of health services through specialist outpatient clinics of MUH Prague in minimum waiting times.
The Green Way is primarily for members of the Czech Armed Forces in active service and persons with the status of a war veteran:
- World War II veterans
- War veterans - participants in the resistance against communism
- Modern war veterans in active service
- Modern war veterans after leaving active service in the productive age
- Modern retired war veterans of retirement age
Furthermore, the services provided within the Green Way project can also be used by soldiers of the active reserve of the Armed Forces of the Czech Republic, members of IRS units and security forces, with which the MUH Prague has concluded a Memorandum of Cooperation.

Certificate of Appreciation issued by the MUH Prague Director, Prof. Miroslav Zavoral, M.D., Ph.D.
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