The agreement on mutual cooperation with the MoD of the Czech Republic
FUTURE FORCES FORUM has become an official long-term partner of the Ministry of Defence of the Czech Republic. The cooperation, which underlines the permanent commitment to support innovation and cooperation in the field of defence, was confirmed by the signing of a Memorandum of Cooperation during the Future Forces 2024 Exhibition by the Minister of Defence Jana Černochová and the organisers of FUTURE FORCES FORUM.
Being recognized as a permanent partner by the Ministry strengthens FFF’s mission to bring together military and civilian authorities, advancing security solutions and addressing evolving defense challenges. This partnership enables us to support a collaborative, forward-thinking platform dedicated to safeguarding our shared future.
The recognition by the Ministry as a permanent partner reinforces the FFF's mission to bring military and civilian authorities together, develop security solutions and address evolving defence challenges. This partnership allows us to foster a shared, forward-looking platform dedicated to protecting our shared future.
The agreement on mutual cooperation was signed by Minister of Defence Jana Černochová and FFF Director General Daniel Koci during her visit to Future Forces 2024.
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