CZECH EXPORT BANK to Exhibit at Future Forces 2024
We are a specialized banking institution, a part of the system of state export support and economic diplomacy. We support strategic segments of the Czech economy. We offer financial products and solutions to companies in the defence and security industry, focusing on:
- - financing operational needs and investments;
- - financing of production for export and buyers;
- - financing of foreign acquisitions and expansion;
- - securing contractual obligations (bank guarantees);
- - accelerating payments for the supply of goods and services (purchase of receivables); and
- - documentary payments.
We understand the individual needs of Czech manufacturers and exporters and we can find a tailor-made solution for a specific transaction. According to our clients' needs, we can establish SWIFT connections with banks around the world. As a member of the international payment system TARGET2, we also offer companies from the defence and security industry solutions to simplify payment transactions in EUR. Do not hesitate to contact us, we will be happy to provide you with an individual consultation.
Contact person: Miroslav Stříbrný, Director of Sales and Export Finance Division
More information is available at
Meet Czech Export Bank team at Future Forces 2024!
Czech Export Bank will present its portfolio in Hall 2 at Future Forces Exhibition, 16-18 October 2024, Prague.
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