GUMÁRNY ZUBŘÍ to Exhibit at Future Forces 2024
Czech company Gumárny Zubří, a.s. specializes in the development and production of products from technical rubber, thermoplastic and thermoplastic elastomers. One of main production programs, since 1935, includes the production of full-face gas protective masks. These masks, connected to a suitable filter or breathing apparatus protects user’s eyes, face and breathing organs from the effects of toxic industrial chemicals (TIC) and chemical warfare agents (CWA) in form of gases, vapors, aerosols, and against radioactive dust, bacteria and viruses.
All protective masks are manufactured and certified according to the relevant European standards. The company has introduced and certified quality management system according to ISO 9001:2015, IATF 16949 and an established EMS system according to ISO 14001:2015.
Business portfolio
Dual use full face protective gas masks
Military full face protective gas masks
Children hood mask with ventilation unit
CBRN filters
Other accessories
Company Gumárny Zubří has business relations in more than 40 countries around the world. The largest cooperations are for example with the USA, Egypt, Romania, Ukraine, Thailand, Lithuania and others.
More information is available at
Meet Gumárny Zubří Team at Future Forces 2024
Gumárny Zubří will present its portfolio in Hall 4 at Future Forces, 16-18 October 2024, Prague.
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