6th Forum Commanders of European Land Forces
6th Forum Commanders of European Land Forces took place within the FUTURE FORCES FORUM events in Prague on 9 - 11 September 2019. The event was co-organised by the Czech Land Forces Command and FUTURE FORCES FORUM.
The meeting was attended by Commanders from 31 countries including the Commanding General U.S. Army Europe (USAREUR), LTG Christopher G. Cavoli.
The Forum takes place every year since 2014 and is aimed at sharing experiences in different areas of activity and to discuss current topics in an informal format. The two-day working session was opened by a welcome speech of the Czech Chief of the General Staff, GEN Aleš Opata. Other seven speakers took part in the discussions, including MG Ivo Střecha, Force Development Division Director, who presented ongoing modernisation plan of the Czech Armed Forces, or GEN (Ret.) Petr Pavel, Chairman of the NATO Military Committee (2015-2018), who spoke about current security threats, emerging technologies and their role in warfare.
Static display of the Czech Land Forces and defence industry was a part of the official networking program.
6th Forum websites:
Česká vláda schválila zvýšení obranných výdajů až na 3 % HDP do roku 2030
Early Bird registrace vystavovatelů na FFF 2026 zahájena
Tým FFF na veletrhu Enforce Tac!
Dohoda o spolupráci s Policejní akademií
Generálporučík (v.v.) Jaromír Zůna posiluje tým FFF
Reprezentační ples velitele Vzdušných sil AČR
Šťastné svátky a úspěšný nový rok!
Memorandum o spolupráci s Vězeňskou službou
Závěrečná zpráva FFF 2024
Dohoda o vzájemné spolupráci s Ministerstvem obrany ČR