International Tender for 4x4 multi-purpose vehicles for Slovak Armed Forces
The Ministry of Defence of Slovakia has announced that an order for 4x4 multipurpose tactical vehicles for armed forces is now out to international tender, with restricted procedure as the selected method of public procurement. The MOD intends to purchase 424 vehicles worth a maximum of 321 million euros, VAT not included. However, included in the total number of vehicles and the price are also 20 vehicles for the Ministry of Interior.
The deadline for receipt of requests to participate is 2 July 2019 by 10:00 hrs. The MoD will enter into a framework contract with the winner of the restricted procedure for a period of 10 years. The contract covers an option to supply, for example, spare parts, mobile summer and winter camouflage netting, and additional services in case of crisis.
The Slovak Government has given the go-ahead to the MoD to use the restricted procedure for purchasing 4x4 platforms. The project is part of the 2030 Long-Term Defence Development Plan. The invitation to tender was released in the Official Journal of the European Union on 5 June and it was also published in the Journal of the Office for Public Procurement.
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