Impressions from the Logistics Capability Workshop 2016
FUTURE FORCES FORUM (FFF), the most important defence and security event in the Czech Republic, was held at the PVA EXPO PRAHA Exhibition Centre between October 19 and 21, 2016. The programme included a traditional international exhibition, conferences and workshops with the topics oriented mainly to modern technologies and approaches in ensuring defence and security at both national and international levels, future needs of armed and security forces, and protection of population and critical infrastructure. Representatives of the government, state administration authorities, international organizations, industry, science and research were actively participated in the event.
Logistics Capability Workshop 2016 (LCWS16) as a part of the Future Forces Forum 2016 conducted upon the tremendous success of Capable Logistician (CL) series of exercises conducted in 2013 in Slovakia, in 2015 in Hungary presented another Multinational Logistics Coordination Centre's (MLCC's) contribution to common effort in the area of Logistics Capabilities Development.
LCWS16 assembled together leading specialists of the international logistic community for discussions focused on specific logistic functional areas. The Military Capabilities that Alliance and EU will need for the coming decade and beyond must be modern and interoperable. Current global financial and security situation shows necessity to cooperate even more than ever in the field of logistics - cooperate on solid basis of understanding with respect to all aspects and rational acceptation of risks. This workshop tried to highlight the need for interoperability, the need for deeper cooperation with industry, science and research to eliminate current and future threats.
It also served as a great platform to show current and future military technologies in logistic area, an important meeting platform for the experts from all around the world and allowed exchange of experience and visions. HUTIRA CCW, the Platinum Partner of the LCWS16, presented containerized water treatment plants for 2-stage treatment of surface and ground water.
The first day oriented on the interoperability and cooperation under the umbrella of the alliance and EU was followed by the day reserved for the recent development in the Smart Energy area.
Following the presentations on NATO's and nations' activities to reduce the energy consumption in deployable field camps, Dr. Susanne Michaelis, facilitator of the second day of the LCWS, concluded that though the technology is available, the technology transfer from the civilian to the military sector has not yet taken place. However, a number of nations have installed or have plans to install demonstrator projects for testing and data collection. The following points should be emphasized:
- The briefers stressed that definitions and standards for materiel and processes are needed. NATO has already launched the process, but it will be lengthy and it has to be ensured that standards will not kill innovation.
- Companies have already invested a considerable amount in developing components for hybrid micro grids and even whole systems. They urgently need a market to get a return of their investment. Especially small enterprises are not able to further develop their products and to participate in a future exercise.
- Data on energy consumption and energy use are urgently needed to enable the expert community to make informative decisions and to convince leadership to invest in innovative technologies. National projects like SMARTEN that the Czech Army is planning and the Hybrid Power Generation System (HPGS) (Pfisterer) that the Lithuanian Army is testing are expected to deliver such convincing data.
- The exercise Capable Logistician 2015 (CL15) has been found extremely helpful for testing components and processes, assessing interoperability and identifying gaps in NATO standards. NATO is currently developing a Smart Defence project that will include standardization and integration of micro grid components in CL19.
- Last but not least, modular smart hybrid micro grids need protection against cyber-attacks.
Overview of the LCWS16 programme, speakers and presentation abstracts are available in the Future Forces Forum Catalogue 2016, published under the ISBN Number 978-80-270-0168-2 and on the
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