Police of the Czech Republic presents its capabilities within static display and dynamic demonstrations at FFF
Visit the Czech Police stand on 19-21 Oct 2016 at PVA EXPO PRAHA
Hall 4, stand 432; Outdoor exhibit area, stand VP3
Live demo - Joint intervention of the Police, Fire & Rescue Brigade, and Air Rescue Service
Visitors of the stand will see a presentation of the new uniforms, weapons and protective equipment of the Police Task Force, technical vehicle of the Special Riot Unit, or police motorcycle and quad bike.
On the outside exhibition area, visitors will see a wide range of vehicles used by the PCR:
- helicopter of the Air Rescue Service
- Hummer of the Police Task Force Unit
- Schengen bus
- MMC monitoring vehicle
- Tatra vehicle of the Pyrotechnic Services PČR
- Tatra vehicle of the Special diving activities and training department
- several cars in the police version
- Technical Vehicle of the Special Riot Unit MSR
Within the dynamic displays the Police Task Force unit of Police Headquarters Central Bohemia region will show a crackdown on armed offenders (drug dealers) in a joint demonstration with the Fire Rescue Service Prague and Air Rescue Service.
Technical Vehicle of the Special Riot Unit:
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